
One Of The New Geniuses Of Modern Design

100 Leaders Who Made a Mark in Digital

Mordag Design
İstanbul, Industrial Design

In today's markets where there is a competitive environment, it is extremely important that the product not only looks good but also offers a new function and an idea. To be successful in the market, either your brand needs to offer a new function within the same price or have the infrastructure to shelve the same product at a lower price. The fact that a brand displays a visual consistency in its products is also very important for the value of the brand. This is where design comes into play. There is a remarkable name in this field recently: Mete Mordağ. Mete Mordağ, who designs a wide range of products from home appliances to building products, from furniture to diving equipment; to offer only different cases of market design rather than developing new solutions, says social life forward that takes ideas presented, and adds: "firms in Turkey can say specifically that they discovered the power of industrial design for the past 10 years. Good design is synthesized by the engineering and marketing tactics successful product emerged. It is impossible to think of these three separately from each other. "It accelerates the application process and reflects directly on the label price of the product, creating a great added value for the brand and the user. Whether technology or marketing oriented, design is a must in every sector."

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