Registration No.: TR2015/05532
Assignee: Nova Plastics
Plastic Reservoir (PR) consists of the following main components and systems:
- Main Body (10)
- Cap (20)
- Collar (30)
- Refill Mechanism (40)
- Push-tp-Flush Mechanism (50)
- Pull-to-Flush Mechanism (60)
PR is a plastic tank system that is used to clean closets, helas or urinals. The main body (10) and the lid (20) are used for accumulating, storing and discharging the water. The Filling Mechanisms (40), which work with the float system, refills the PR when it is empty and stop the water flow into the tank, when it is full. Depending on the place of use, the Push-Pull (50) and the Pull-Off (60) mechanisms are used for managing and discharging the stored water the stored. In the common plastic reservoir systems the post-production deformations results into compatibility issues of the body and cap. Thanks to the PR’s exclusive top contour and cap design, these post-production compatibility issues are eliminated. The special collar (30) part also assists to the elimination of the post-production deformation problems. The use of different colors in the collar (30) part also triggered an extensive visual variety available for the market.